Latest News on Cyberbullying


March 27th, 2011

Elyria police arrest two teens accused of bullying classmate
An Elyria mother standing up for her 16-year-old son reported to police two Elyria High School teens had been bullying, harassing and robbing her son for months, according to an Elyria police report. The two teens accused of the bullying were charged with robbery and theft.

States Struggle With Minors’ Sexting
Some states have amended their statutes on child pornography, obscenity or Internet crimes. Many allow juvenile offenders to be charged with a misdemeanor or a lesser offense, so they can qualify for diversion programs and have their records expunged.

Facebook "Smut" List Attracts 7,000 "Likes," Cyberbullying Concerns Raised
Facebook is a hotbed of activity for high school students who, more often than not, use it as a means to ridicule other students.The latest Facebook incident comes in the form of a "smut list" that ranks teenagers according to their alleged sexual encounters.




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